lecture 03
Convert trained model with Python and CoreML Tool
Style classification app
Python basics revisited
open anaconda
create an environment
with python 3.6
(what's this???)
select that new environment in anaconda
spyder disappears!
because this is a new environment!
install spyder
as usual, an AI-related project to wake us up
after today's lecture:
-- three levels of "readiness" of ML model
-- how to convert trained models from other formats into Apple's mlmodel ๐Ÿฅฐ
-- a deeper understanding of python ๐Ÿ˜‰
(this is just our third python time!) ๐Ÿซก
three stages of ML model
level 1: not ready at all
- newborn, needs training from scratch
level 2: trained, but on a different datasets/tasks
- needs fine-tuning (popular approach and we have seen this already)
level 3: trained, on the exactly same dataset and task
- everything is ready ๐Ÿง
Today we will be looking at the level 3, aka the most ready ML models. No training is needed.
so, can we just download the trained models and dra-n-drop them into the xcode project?
- nope
deep learning frameworks: caffe, pytorch, tensorflow, etc.
models trained using different frameworks have different formats and Apple can't just directly take these formats in.
Apple ML ecosystem has its own ML model format!

caffe: .caffemodel and .prototxt
pytorch: .pt
tensorflow: .tf2 and more
๐ŸŽ: .mlmodel
like how you convert between audio/video formats
.mp3 to .wav,
or .mp4 to .mov
we need to convert ML models into apple's .mlmodel
This part is handy when you want to plugin and play a trained model downloaded from github/huggingface, etc.
1. convert caffe model to .mlmodel
download this repo
caffe model zoo
import the model into style classification model and play
fun ai time part 1
2. convert pytorch model to .mlmodel
torch model zoo
recap from last lecture 01
How can we numerically represent audios and images in python?
-- There are libraries that read them into numbers...
How are these numbers being stored in python?
-- Numpy arrays !!! ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ
recap from last lecture 02
- for data pre-processing ๐Ÿ”จ
-- os, makedirs
-- pandas, dataframe
- for holding numbers, arithmetic operations ๐Ÿงฎ
-- numpy
- for reading audio ๐Ÿ”ˆ
-- librosa
- for reading image ๐ŸŽ‡
-- cv2
- for visualizing numbers๐Ÿ‘
-- matplotlib
python note book basics 00
python note book basics 01
- variables
- lists
- conditionals
- loops
- functions
new series episode 2 queer the dataset
new series episode 2 jake elwes
python note book basics 02
fun ai time part 2
summary today
- readiness of ML models ๐Ÿ’ญ
- create new python environment ๐Ÿ’ป
- convert caffe model into .mlmodel๐ŸŽ
- style classification app๐ŸŽ
- python basics enhanced ๐Ÿ’ป